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[Syndie messages] [Syndie key files] [Syndie URIs] [Syndie message headers]

Syndie messages (up)

A .syndie file contains signed and potentially encrypted data for passing Syndie channel metadata and posts around. It is made up of two parts- a UTF-8 encoded header and a body. The header begins with a type line, followed by name=value pairs, delimited by the newline character ('\n' or 0x0A). After the pairs are complete, a blank newline is included, followed by the line "Size=$numBytes\n", where $numBytes is the size of the body (base10). After that comes that many bytes making up the body of the enclosed message, followed by two newline delimited signature lines - AuthorizationSig=$signature and AuthenticationSig=$signature. There can be any arbitrary amount of data after the signature lines, but it is not currently interpreted.

The $numBytes body is an encrypted zip archive, though the encryption method depends upon the type line. For posts and metadata messages, the data is AES/256/CBC encrypted (with a 16 byte IV at the beginning). For private messages, the first 512 bytes are ElGamal/2048 encrypted to the channel's encryption key, which has the AES/256 session key and IV within it, and the remaining bytes are AES/256/CBC encrypted.

The AES/256 encrypted area begins with a random number of nonzero padding bytes, followed by 0x0, then the internal payload size (as a 4 byte unsigned integer), followed by the total payload size (the same as the Size header), followed by the actual Zip encoded data, a random number of pad bytes, up to a 16 byte boundary, aka:

    rand(nonzero) padding + 0 + internalSize + totalSize + data + rand

After the AES/256 encrypted area there is an HMAC-SHA256 of the body section, using the SHA256 of the body decryption key concatenated with the IV as the HMAC key.

The authorization signature is verified against the set of public keys associated with the channel. Not all messages must have valid authorization signatures, but unauthorized messages may not be passed along.

The authentication signature may be verified against the Author header (either in the public or encrypted header sets), but not all messages are authenticated.

The unencrypted zip archive may contain the following entries:

Syndie key files (up)

When passing around keys for Syndie channels, they can either be transferred in Syndie URIs or in key files. The key files themselves are UTF encoded as follows:

keytype: [manage|manage-pub|reply|reply-pub|post|post-pub|read]\n
scope: $base64(channelHash)\n
raw: $base64(bytes)\n

Syndie URIs (up)

This defines the URIs safely passable within syndie, capable of referencing specific resources. They contain one of four reference types, plus a bencoded set of attributes:

Type: url
* net:  what network the URL is on, such as "i2p", "tor", "ip", or "freenet" (string)
* url:  network-specific URL (string)
* name: [optional] short name of the resource referenced (string)
* desc: [optional] longer description of the resource (string)
* tag:  [optional] list of tags attached to the reference (string[])

Type: channel
* channel:     [1] base64 of the SHA256 of the channel's identity public key (string)
* author:      [1] base64 of the SHA256 of the author's identity public key, if different from the channel (string)
* msgId:       [1] unique identifier within the channel's scope (or author's scope, if specified) (integer)
* page:        [optional] page within the message's scope (integer starting at 1)
* attachment:  [optional] attachment within the message's scope (integer starting at 1)
* readKeyType: [optional] describes the readKey, e.g. "AES256" (string)
* readKeyData: [optional] base64 of the key required to read posts in the channel [string)
* postKeyType: [optional] describes the postKey, e.g. "DSA1024" (string)
* postKeyData: [optional] base64 of the private key required to post to the channel (string)
* name:        [optional] short name of the resource referenced (string)
* desc:        [optional] longer description of the resource (string)
* tag:         [optional] list of tags attached to the reference (string[])

[1] If the field is not specified, it must be implicitly derived from the context.
    For instance, a syndie post may omit the channel and msgId when referring to another
    page or attachment on the current message.

Type: search
* scope:        base64 of the SHA256 of the channel's identity public key, or "all" (string[])
* author:       "authorized", "manager", "owner", "any" (string)
* postbyscope:  base64 of the SHA256 of the posting author's identity public key (string[])
* age:          number of days in the past to look back for the post's creation date (integer)
* agelocal:     like age, but measures when the local archive received the message (integer)
* unreadonly:   if true, only include unread messages (boolean)
* taginclude:   matches must include at least one of these tags (string[])
* tagrequire:   matches must include all of these tags (string[])
* tagexclude:   matches must not include any of these tags (string[])
* tagmessages:  the tag filter is applied against individual messages, not threads as a whole (boolean)
* pagemin:      minimum number of pages in the post (integer)
* pagemax:      maximum number of pages in the post (integer)
* attachmin:    minimum number of attachments in the post (integer)
* attachmax:    maximum number of attachments in the post (integer)
* refmin:       minimum number of references in the post (integer)
* refmax:       maximum number of references in the post (integer)
* keymin:       minimum number of keys in the post (integer)
* keymax:       maximum number of keys in the post (integer)
* encrypted:    the message is still encrypted and not readable (boolean)
* pbe:          the message was encrypted with a passphrase (boolean)
* private:      the message was encrypted with a channel reply key (boolean)
* public:       the message was readable by anyone (boolean)
* authorized:   the message was readable by authorized readers (boolean)
* threaded:     matches should take threading into consideration (boolean)
* keyword:      matches messages with the keyword/phrase in the body or subject (string)

All of the search terms are optional

Type: archive
* net:          what network the URL is on, such as "i2p", "tor", "ip", or "freenet" (string)
* url:          network-specific URL (string)
* readKeyType:  [optional] describes the readKey, e.g. "AES256" (string)
* readKeyData:  [optional] base64 of the key required to pull data from the archive (string)
* postKeyType:  [optional] describes the postKey, e.g. "AES256" (string)
* postKeyData:  [optional] base64 of the key required to pull data from the archive (string)
* identKeyType: [optional] describes the identKey, e.g. "DSA1024" (string)
* identKeyData: [optional] base64 of the key the archive will identify themselves as (string)
* name:         [optional] short name of the resource referenced (string)
* desc:         [optional] longer description of the resource (string)
* tag:          [optional] list of tags attached to the reference (string[])

Type: text
* name: [optional] short name of the freeform text reference (string)
* body: [optional] freeform text reference (string)
* tag:  [optional] list of tags attached to the reference (string[])

The canonical encoding is: "urn:syndie:$refType:$bencodedAttributes",
with $refType being one of the five types above, and $bencodedAttributes
being the bencoded attributes.  Strings are UTF-8, and the bencoded attributes
are ordered according to the UK locale (in the canonical form).  Keys have
leading 0x0 bytes stripped prior to Base64 encoding, which must be expanded
upon decoding.


Within syndie-enabled apps, the urn:syndie: prefix can be dropped:

Syndie message headers (up)

Syndie messages have a defined set of headers, and unknown headers are uninterpreted.

Author AuthenticationMask TargetChannel PostURI References Tags OverwriteURI ForceNewThread RefuseReplies Cancel Subject BodyKey BodyKeyPromptSalt BodyKeyPrompt Identity EncryptKey Name Description Edition PublicPosting PublicReplies AuthorizedKeys ManagerKeys Archives ChannelReadKeys Expiration

In the following list, Required means the header must be included for messages of the allowed types. Allow as hidden means the header may be included in the encrypted headers.dat zip headers, rather than in the unencrypted publicly visible headers. Allow on posts means the header can be used on normal posts. Allow on private messages means the header can be used on posts encrypted to a channel's private key. Allow on metadata messages means the header can be used on metadata messages configuring a channel.

When referring to base64, the content is base64 encoded with an alternate alphabet. The alphabet is the standard one except with "~" replacing "/", and "+" with "-" (for safer URL and file name encoding).